Kathy Kennebrook Helps the Real Estate Investor Get a Higher Response Rate From Direct Mail

Marketing Tip # 29- I am behind again!! Todays topic is increasing response rates to your Direct Mail Campaigns

One way to increase the number of responses you get from your mailings is to use lumpy mail pieces in your envelopes to entice your reader to open the envelope and read your message. This could be a penny which makes noise or it could be a magnetic business card which would add dimension. Lumpy mail is actually defined as “anything that adds dimension to an envelope.”

It can be in the form of any type of enclosure such as a flat pen, a or even a piece of candy or it can be the actual container in which the mail is delivered. “Statistics show that dimensional mailings can increase response rate by as much as 80%. There are many items that are lightweight and small that can be added to your mailings to increase response with very minimal expense. Design your direct mail piece so different that it demands people’s attention, and gets opened and read.

Because I use a response mechanism within the body of my letters (a section within the body of the letter that allows the seller to fill out all the information I need) when I send them out, I will sometimes use flat pens in my mailings so that the seller has the tool they need to fill out the response mechanism right in their hand. This just removes another step or another obstacle for the sellers and they will contact me even sooner.

Here are a couple of tips on lumpy mail; mark your envelopes “Hand Cancel Only” and whenever possible, use one of the smaller satellite postal facilities. Do your homework before deciding which dimensional inserts to use depending on the type of business you have and the budget you have. Determine your mailing costs before getting started, and I can’t emphasize this one enough, don’t mail out more pieces than you can practically respond to! Believe me when I tell you that these mailings work. If you can’t handle the responses you will get to your mailings, you are wasting marketing dollars.

Check out my website at www.marketingmagiclady.com for all the information you need on Direct Mail Marketing. While you are there be sure and sign up for my FREE Newsletter!!

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