Find More Private Lenders For Your Real Estate Investing Business By Kathy Kennebrook The Marketing Magic Lady

I picked up a new private lender this week for my real estate investing business just by opening my mouth and asking. Folks don’t be afraid to talk to everyone you know and everyone you meet about what you do for a living as a real estate investor. If you explain to everyone you meet that you buy houses and you use private money to do it at a great rate of return you will be amazed at the results! There are lots of folks out there who are looking for a good protected income on their money and don’t know how to do that. When you explain that their investment is protected by a first mortgage on the property and the equity spread they will be anxious and excited to work with you!

For more information on finding all the deals you need and all the tools you need for your real estate investing business check out my website at While you are there be sure and sign up for my free monthly newsletter!!

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