Don’t Waste Time Trying To Work With Unmotivated Sellers In Your Real Estate Investing Business

As I prepare for my coaching calls tonight I wanted to touch on one subject that I discuss with my coaching students A LOT and that is trying to work with unmotivated sellers. I cover this extensively in my Marketing Magic System as well.

Don’t waste valuable time dealing with people who just want to sell a property. Deal only with those who NEED to sell. And don’t waste a lot of time on the phone with them. Automate your system to develop ways to get sellers to give you the information you need to determine if there is a deal to be made before you ever have a conversation with them. If a seller is not motivated enough to accept your offer-be it price or terms, find another seller who is. Time is money in this business.

I would suggest however, that there are times you will want to follow up with a semi-motivated seller and there are great ways to do this without taking up a lot of your time. I also cover this extensively in my system.

Also, don’t waste your time looking at properties before you have made an offer to the seller. I never look at houses anymore without having a very good idea what my seller will accept. I just make the offer “subject to inspection” which gives me an out if the property isn’t what the seller and I agreed to. Usually the deal is made before I ever see a property which saves me a lot of time AND I usually end up buying a property before other investors even know about it.

For all the information you need on finding sellers and building systems in your business check out my website at

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