How Residual Mailings to Highly Motivated Sellers Will Create Even More Deals For the Real Estate Investor

Marketing Tip- Residual Direct Mail Campaigns

If you are a Marketing Magic Student and you have been implementing my direct mail marketing campaigns regularly to locate highly motivated sellers as I suggest one of the benefits you will begin to notice pretty quickly is the residual effect of your mailings. Over the last few months I have personally had many sellers contact me that I originally mailed to months ago. This is because these sellers have held onto my letters and now they want and need to sell and are unable to.

There are lots of reasons for this. Perhaps the property needs a lot of repairs or they don’t live near the property and they don’t know how to get it sold. Or perhaps the property is in probate and they don’t know how long the process will take. They may live in a market where houses aren’t selling as quickly as they would like. Or perhaps they just got another property tax bill they don’t want to have to pay.

These sellers are motivated and they are finding it difficult to sell their properties for whatever reason so I have been able to purchase these properties at lower prices and solve the seller’s problem at the same time. You see, when I mail personal looking letters to prospective sellers, folks who are much more likely to have a property they need to sell, they hold on to my letters even if they are not ready to sell at that very moment. One of the reasons they do this is because I tell them to do so in my letter. Then when their situation changes and they are ready to sell they will contact me first even if they have been contacted by someone else in the meantime. This causes me to do so many more deals just from residual responses from my sellers.

For all the info you need on implementing very targeted direct mail check out the tools on my website at

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