The Top 4 Deadly Mistakes That Will Kill Your Dream As A Real Estate Investor By Kathy Kennebrook

I am frequently asked, “If you had it to do over again what would you do differently?” Well, I’d like to answer that question for you. There are several things you can do to help your business grow and several things you can do to kill the dream before it ever has a chance to become a reality.

Let’s look at the “FOUR TOP DEADLY MISTAKES” that can literally kill your dream.

1. Listening to people who make less money than you do. There are a lot of people out there who don’t understand this business at all, yet they will want to give you advice faster than anyone else. They basically want to keep you where they are, which is broke. Surround yourself with people who can guide you in a positive way and a forward direction. Get involved with your local real estate club or a mentoring program like I provide for you. Read all you can on the subject of Real Estate Investing and educate yourself to move forward with your business. Don’t let a “naysayer” kill your dream.

2. Lack of Focus. If you’re anything like I was when I first got started in real estate, then you know how to find something else you’d rather do, or something that seems like it’s more important at the moment. I found very quickly that I had to do the work in order to succeed in the real estate business. The more of the initial “work” I did, the faster my business grew. What I mean by the work is finding motivated sellers, learning how to structure deals and then figuring out my exit strategy. The other part of the work was to very quickly find ways to automate these systems, and get someone else doing the work for me so I could deal only with the sellers. This took concentration and the ability to learn to avoid distractions, like the telephone for example. I very quickly learned to return all calls two or three times a day instead of taking every call that came in. I also had to learn how to focus on specific types of real estate deals at the beginning of my business instead of being pulled in all directions and not accomplishing anything at all. You must stay focused in order to become successful in any business you pursue.

3. Getting Beyond the “Get Rich Quick” Mentality- Anyone who thinks this is a “get rich quick” kind of business is in for a rude awakening. It takes time, discipline and ongoing education to be very successful at real estate. Isn’t it worth it to take some time now to learn the business and start doing deals that make you thousands of dollars so you can vacation and spend time with your family a little later? There are so many “get rich quick” schemes out there that just simply do not work. Real estate will work for you over and over if you give it the time and discipline it well deserves.

4. Wasting Time With Unmotivated Sellers- I cover this extensively in my Marketing Magic System. Don’t waste valuable time dealing with people who want to sell a property. Deal only with those who NEED to sell. And don’t waste a lot of time on the phone with them. Automate your system to develop ways to get sellers to give you the information you need to determine if there is a deal to be made before you ever have a conversation with them. If a seller is not motivated enough to accept your offer-be it price or terms, find another seller who is. Time is money in this business. I would suggest however, that there are times you will want to follow up with a semi-motivated seller and there are great ways to do this without taking up a lot of your time. I also cover this extensively in my system. Also, don’t waste your time looking at properties before you have made an offer to the seller. I never look at houses anymore without having a very good idea what my seller will accept. I just make the offer “subject to inspection” which gives me an out if the property isn’t what the seller and I agreed to. Usually the deal is made before I ever see a property.

For all the information you need on building your real estate investing business check out my website at

Choosing The Road To Wealth In Your Real Estate Investing Business

When choosing the road to wealth, there are some important distinctions that set the truly successful folks apart from everyone else. Some of those include the ability to visualize a specific outcome, pursuit of a dream, constant motion and a relentless determination to reach the goal. Giving up is not an option.

Like the saying goes, “Quitters never win; winners never quit!” I have found in the real estate business that there are two kinds of people, the “doers” and the “wannabes”. There are truly focused folks who get up every morning with a clear and defined direction who want to make their business work no matter what it takes. They pursue their dream relentlessly and continue to grow on a daily basis, garnering all the education they can along the way to take them even further along in their business.

Then there are the people who go to seminars or buy books and tapes and do absolutely nothing with them once they get them home. I have personally witnessed this over and over again. They have one excuse after another why they can’t do this business.

For them, the status quo is the easy way in any situation. I used to be one of those people who did absolutely nothing. I continued to work day after day at a job I hated, and I had every excuse there was for not getting started in the real estate business. So I can relate. You could say, “I’ve been there, done that.”

There were three main things that held me back: 1. Lack of focus. 2. A true desire. 3. Abundance of fear. You can absolutely tame all three. I am living proof that you can. The biggest change that occurred for me finally was the desire to succeed. An even greater desire was to get back all the money I had spent on courses and seminars. As I always say, “Whatever it takes to make you move forward!”

To choose the road to wealth and find all the tools you need to grow your real estate investing business be sure and visit my website at

Kathy Kennebrook Is Creating Amazing Profitable Deals In Her Real Estate Investing Business!

We put two more homes under contract today, one on the buy and one on the sell. This is the time of year when we do the highest number of deals in our business.

Part of the reason for that is because when property tax bills go out semi motivated sellers turn into really motivated sellers when they have another big bill to pay on a property they simply don’t want. These could be estates, vacation or retirement homes, divorces or burned out landlords. We are beefing up our marketing and our direct mail marketing to bring in as many deals as we possibly can while the market is hot!  

We are already creating amazing deals and it’s not even near the end of the year yet!! For all the information you need on finding crazy numbers of motivated sellers for your real estate investing business check out my website at!! While you are there be sure and sign up for my free monthly newsletter!! It comes 149.00 in free gifts!!

Congratulations St. Louis REIA Folks What A Huge Group!

I had a wonderful time with John Lee at St. Louis REIA on Tuesday, what a wonderful group.  John also puts on an amazing dinner for the attendees at the Fall Fling Event it was wonderful!

Thank you John Lee for inviting me and thanks to all of you who jumped on board with me Tuesday evening, I am looking forward to working with you! A big thank you also to my hubby Jay, he was one busy boy! If you wanted to grab my Marketing Magic System but didn’t have a chance to, we are extending the offer through this Sunday Sept. 22nd.

You can also check out my website at for all the information you need on finding highly qualified motivated sellers

Why Kathy Kennebrook Loves Real Estate Investing!

Once again I am reminded why I got into real estate investing in the first place. Besides helping people and buying great houses, town homes, multi families and vacant land it provides a really great income for us and gives us a lot of free time to pursue other interests we have.

Last night we had to take one of our cats to the emergency vet at 9 pm. But not once did we have to think about what his care might cost us, we just took care of our furry boy. When they needed to do x-rays and more testing the answer was “go for it” They told us that a lot of times folks just can’t afford to take care of their animals and it makes their job so much harder. They ended up having to administer several medications and rehydrate him so it wasn’t a cheap visit by any means but that was okay.  Paying for his care was no problem for us.

He is doing much better today thank goodness, we didn’t get home until until almost 1 am this morning. I truly admire the folks who work in those emergency Vet Clinics!