Why Should You Develop A Marketing Strategy?

Kathy Kennebrook

Kathy Kennebrook

We all know that developing a good marketing strategy is essential to getting any business off the ground. Educating yourself and discovering how to locate and motivate potential sellers to contact you is a must in making your real estate business a success. You must be able to locate prospects who want to do business with you.

Marketing is also a numbers game, the more leads that come in, the more opportunities you will have to make deals. You won’t buy every deal that comes your way, but when you develop a machine that brings in quality leads, you will be able to pick and choose the deals you want to do.

The best way to do this is to develop between three and five marketing techniques that work the best for you in your area. Try various marketing techniques and see which ones give you the best results and capitalize on them. Don’t keep changing the way you market. Develop a marketing strategy and stick to it. This will “crank up your buying machine” like nothing else can. Make sure you give the market a fair test before deciding a strategy doesn’t work. Remember to measure the quality of the leads, not the quantity of the leads that come in.

If you are a beginner in the real estate business, there are many ways to get motivated sellers contacting you even if you are working on a limited budget. If time and finances create a challenge for you, there are many techniques that require very little time and almost no cash to implement. Using signs, direct mail, running ads, distributing flyers or using people to “spot” properties for you are samples of some of the types of marketing techniques you can use in your business to generate leads.

Some of the other ways to use people to “spot” properties for you would be to talk with your mailman, pest control person, a moving company, delivery person, or friends and relatives. These people see properties you would never otherwise come in contact with and can generate many leads for you with virtually no expense.

The most important thing to remember is to be consistent with your efforts. Remember that there is no single formula that works all the time. The successful investor has a network of people and strategies at their fingertips at all times. Get your plan in place and get started. If you do not develop continuity to your marketing campaigns you will see the results drop off immediately. Your telephone will stop ringing and you will cease to get regular contact from motivated sellers.

If you want to be successful in your real estate endeavors, you need to be creative, be consistent and do that which separates you from your competition. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned investor, developing a specific marketing strategy is an invaluable tool to generate leads and buy more properties. The more leads you generate, the more opportunities you will have to deal with motivated sellers and become financially free.

Kathy Kennebrook is the ultimate success story. She spent 12 years in the banking industry and another ten in sales, logging thousands of miles each year, before discovering the world of real estate. After attending some real estate seminars and club meetings, this 4 foot 11 mother of two, got really excited and turned on. Before you know it, she’d bought and sold over 200 single family houses using none of her own money or credit.

Along the way she discovered a direct mail system that drives in motivated sellers by the herds, begging her to buy their properties. She’s become the expert at finding motivated sellers using many types of direct mail marketing and she’s put together a simple step by step system that anyone can follow to duplicate her success.

The secrets that she’s discovered will increase your business several fold if you implement them and make it easier for you to find the highest number of motivated sellers with the least amount of work. The philosophy “The Less I Do, The More I Make” is incorporated into her life and into the system she has developed.

For more information about Kathy Kennebrook’s real estate products go to marketingmagiclady.com

Best Kept Secrets to Get More Motivated Sellers Contacting You


Best Kept Secrets to Get More Motivated Sellers Contacting You

Kathy Kennebrook

Getting motivated sellers to contact you is essential to any successful real estate investor’s business. A truly motivated seller is the key to a good deal, the more motivated the seller, the better the deal. You will find very quickly, as I did, that you will be able to buy a lot more houses at much better prices with the terms that you want when the seller contacts you first.

Marketing to sellers is also a numbers’ game, the more motivated sellers you are able to locate, the more motivated sellers you will have contacting you, and the more opportunities you will have to make good deals. The secret is in learning how to find truly motivated sellers.

Whom exactly are you going to be marketing to? Motivation comes in many forms and sellers will sell for a variety of reasons. Some reasons have to do with the sellers themselves, such as age, health status, job situations, financial difficulties, change in family size or change in marital status. Other reasons might have to do with the property itself, such as an estate, a property that needs too much work, or a property that has been vacant for a significant period of time.

How do you find these sellers and how should you market to them? The best way I have found to do this is by using direct mail to reach these very motivated sellers. The BIG secret is doing these direct mail campaigns over and over to the same potential sellers. As you will discover, given time, almost every potential sellers’ circumstances change and make them more ready to sell.

I also find that these mailings are very residual. These potential sellers will hold onto your direct mail pieces until their circumstances dictate that they contact you. The amazing thing is that when they are ready, they will contact YOU first since they probably have not had any contact from anyone else, since usually their properties are not being actively marketed. Since they are not being actively marketed, there is virtually no competition for these deals.
This makes it even easier for you to make a good deal.

The biggest part of the secret is to find the sellers who really want to sell. I use different mail campaigns to locate several types of motivated sellers. The best way for you to build your business quickly is to use a number of different methods to draw motivated sellers simultaneously. This can be best be done by locating mailing lists and refining them to meet your specific criteria, and then mail to them over and over.

When you learn how to get motivated sellers contacting you and then learn how to purchase properties using a number of different methods, the possibilities become almost endless. If you use several different methods to get motivated sellers calling you, you will have more opportunities than you will be able to handle. You get to pick and choose the deals that you want to do!

Using direct mail campaigns and developing a “cookie cutter” system to accomplish this is one of most affordable, reliable, and effective ways that I know to build your business quickly and have more motivated sellers contacting you than you will be able to handle.

Kathy Kennebrook is the ultimate success story. She spent 12 years in the banking industry and another ten in sales, logging thousands of miles each year, before discovering the world of real estate. After attending some real estate seminars and club meetings, this 4 foot 11 mother of two, got really excited and turned on. Before you know it, she’d bought and sold over 200 single family houses using none of her own money or credit.

Along the way she discovered a direct mail system that drives in motivated sellers by the herds, begging her to buy their properties. She’s become the expert at finding motivated sellers using many types of direct mail marketing and she’s put together a simple step by step system that anyone can follow to duplicate her success.

The secrets that she’s discovered will increase your business several fold if you implement them and make it easier for you to find the highest number of motivated sellers with the least amount of work. The philosophy “The Less I Do, The More I Make” is incorporated into her life and into the system she has developed.

For more information about Kathy Kennebrook’s real estate products go to marketingmagiclady.com