Build Your Dream Team And Explode Your Business!!

So one of the questions I have been getting a lot recently is how to put your dream team together. Interestingly I am currently writing a new system on this exact subject.

All of the functions of our business are outsourced locally ( or in the US) from the marketing to find the deals to the closings when we buy and sell and everything in between including our bookkeeping and taxes and IT services.

This is so important to your success in any business you choose to be in. The more mundane chores you are doing every day the less money you are making. If a function you are doing in your business isn’t directly related to your income then someone else should be doing it.

For example I do speak to motivated sellers and put deals together. However when they respond to my marketing pieces the deal is already pre-screened for me because that’s how I built my marketing system. I already have virtually all of the information I need to create the offer. This also makes it a lot easier when you are working with potential sellers.

For all the information you need on building your dream team and finding all the deals you need, check out my website at While you are there be sure and sign up for my FREE Monthly newsletter!!

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