Kathy Kennebrook’s Marketing Tip for The Day for the Real Estate Investor

Kathy Kennebrook personally loves direct mail because it is unique in that there is no other marketing technique out there where you have the kind of control that you do with direct mail. For example;

1. You can cultivate the exact type of lead you are looking for in the
specific area or price range you are looking for.

2. You can control the number of pieces going out, when they go out,
and specifically to whom they are targeted.

3. You can create a response mechanism within the body of your
letter so that you get the specific response you want from the seller or customer.

4. It is very easy to “crank up” your mailing machine or pull it back
depending on what your personal situation or goal is.

5. You can create more solid leads using fewer of your marketing
dollars thus leaving you more dollars for other marketing you might want to do.

6. You can create a solid successful direct mail campaign even if you have a very limited budget to work with.

7. It is very easy to track the success and response rate of the direct mail campaigns you have created.

8. These mailings are very residual, potential sellers or customers
will hold on to them until they need your service.

9. You will reach prospective sellers or customers who might not
ever learn about you otherwise.

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